Wrinkle Treatment

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Cosmetic Anti-Ageing & Skin | Balwyn North

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Wrinkle Treatment

Dermal Distinction

Anti ageing | At a glance

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Top Questions

Wrinkle overview
What areas can be treated?
What happens during a wrinkle consult?
How do wrinkle treatments work?
How do you prepare for wrinkle consultation?
What is the cost of a consultation?

Treatment areas

At Dermal Distinction, our treatment technique blends our aesthetic with preventative science. Rather than simply erasing wrinkles, our primary aim is to improve skin health and symmetry. All faces have muscles that lift and pull down, and our focus is to provide you with a detailed consultation and then assess your anatomy. Once we create a treatment plan (which may involve a prescription) muscle and skin treatments can be combined. And by leaving some small wrinkles in carefully selected areas, we keep the face looking natural, genuine and just like you.

Cat Eye Treatment

Some treatments that we offer can alter the shape of the eyebrow, raising the brow position. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Neck Treatment

The lower muscles of the face, and the neck muscles can create draping and lines that some people can be concerned about. Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Jowl Treatment

Over time, the lower part of our face will change shape and jowls can form. This is in part due to the action of muscles, and partly due to fat loss in the face that is a normal part of ageing.
Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Grinding treatment

Jaw muscles can become overly large and active in people who clench and grind their teeth. We have a number of treatment options available that can protect the teeth, such as a dental splint, but also medical treatments that help reduce this activity.
Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Bunny Lines/Nose Slimming

Bunny lines are the wrinkles that form when you scrunch your nose. Some people love these lines, other people seek a consultation with us to reduce their appearance.
Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Gummy Smile Treatment

A gummy smile can be the result of short teeth, excess bone or aver-active muscles. It is possible treat excess gum without surgery in some people.
Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Lip Flip

Some treatments can be aimed at reducing the thinning movement of the lips. This can make the lips look fuller without invasive treatment.
Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.


Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the forehead, creating a smoother contour. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Crow's Feet

Lines around eyes are caused by squinting and smiling. We have wrinkle treatments that can modify the eye wrinkles. Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Brow Shape

The position of the eyebrow can change as we get older. This is a natural part of ageing, but also an area that some clients like to address as part of their anti-ageing treatment plan.
Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Jelly Roll Treatment

Jelly rolls are the small rolls that can appear under the eyes in some people when they smile. This are genetic and normal anatomy. Some people prefer a different appearance when they smile.
Some treatments that we offer can alter the action of the the muscles. This may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

Nose Tip Droop

We offer treatment to lift the nasal tip, which is a non-invasive way to help keep your nose from dropping when you smile. It works at the muscle level to selectively weaken overly strong muscles that can negatively impact the nose.

Chin Shape

Chin dimpling (an orange peel appearance known as “peau de orange) can be treated in a non-invasive way to smooth the chin and restore its youthful contours. Because women have fewer sweat glands and thinner skin around the mouth than men, the dimpling effect is accelerated. Therefore we recommend preventative treatment before “orange peel chin” gets too noticeable.

Smoker’s Lip Lines

Treatment for lip line prevention works to minimize excessive pursing of the mouth, which creates wrinkles around the lips. Smoker’s lines do not always occur due to smoking, but rather as a result of collagen changes in our skin. Our signature technique allow us to treat this area without overly affecting lip movement.
Some treatments may require a cosmetic medical treatment that requires a consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. This consultation may result in a prescriptive approach.

anti wrinkle treatment areas

What areas can we treat?

There are a number of cosmetic areas we can treat with anti-ageing treatments. We can focus on:

  • Forehead lines
  • Bunny lines
  • Softening or defining the jaw angle
  • Crow’s feet (around your eyes)
  • Eyebrow lift
  • Frown lines/11s
  • Marionette lines
  • Neck lines (Nefertiti Lift)
  • Chin dimples
  • Gummy smile
  • Mouth droop
  • Lipstick lines
  • Jowl Lift
  • Facial slimming

anti-wrinkle injections in balwyn

How should I prepare for my anti-ageing treatment?

A week before your anti-ageing treatment, avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin E and fish oil supplements. These may increase bleeding and bruising. However, you can take paracetamol if needed.

If you are taking any prescribed medication, including aspirin, do not stop taking it – consult your practitioner or your GP first.

Avoid drinking alcohol 24 hours before your treatment, as this can alter the results of any treatment we do.

What are the risks of wrinkle treatment?

Wrinkle treatment can vary, but there are a number of non-surgical medical treatments that Dr Giulia can perform.

During your cosmetic medical consultation, we will discuss the exact risks, benefits and expected outcomes with you. This will include a quote for treatment that is included in your cosmetic treatment plan.

Som treatments are not suitable, especially if:
+ You are pregnant or breastfeeding
+ You are trying to get pregnant

You also need to let your practitioner know if:
+ You have a muscular disease (e.g. Bell's Palsy)
+ You have any blood or nervous system disorders
+ You are taking any medications
+ You have any psychological concerns

How much will my wrinkle treatment cost?

We only use devices and products sourced within Australia, so you can be sure that the level of care is high at Dermal Distinction. Treatment is designed just for you, and we will guide you once you have a consultation with us. We have a guide below to help assist you. Beware of very low prices, as these practitioners may be using a very dilute form of treatment, and usually do not offer a follow up visit to review their work. At Dermal Distinction, we believe that the standard of care should be high.
Some of our fees are listed HERE

Can I have micro-treatment for natural results?


We do not undertake extreme treatments at Dermal Distinction. Most of our patients want to look smoother, but natural. We aim for this result too.

Our treatments are always based around creating natural results and relaxation that is almost undetectable. This is the true artistry of cosmetic treatments at Dermal Distinction.

I have heard of face slimming. What is that?

Faces can look wider than expected for your body mass for a number of reasons. This can be due to large fat deposits in the face, large salivary glands or due to hyper-active grinding jaw muscles.

Many people have hypertrophic masseter muscles, either as part of their normal anatomy; or these muscles may be enlarged by excessive teeth grinding or clenching, known as bruxism.
With overuse from habitual teeth grinding, the masseter muscles become larger and over developed. Over time this alters the shape of the lower face, creating a square jaw line.

To determine the best treatment for you, we will undertake a cosmetic consultation with you. For some patients, this might include using an ultrasound to gain imaging of the layers of your face.

Whatever the treatment needed, this can only be determined with a cosmetic consultation with our cosmetic practitioner. The result of this cosmetic consultation may be a prescriptive approach to your treatment.

Cosmetic Consultation

Pricing and Gallery

To commence the consultation process, view our pricing and before and after gallery, please call us on (03) 98597859, or email us so that we may send you a welcome information pack.

In accordance with guidelines set out by TGA, we can not display our pricing about cosmetic medical treatment, or any before and after photos. When you attend for your consultation, we will provide a good guide of the results you may achieve, along with details of treatment, costs and timelines.

What treatment is possible for a gummy smile?

You can see your dentist to check your bite. Of course we will look at this too, as our clinic is led by a dentist!
Some people feel their gums are overly prominent whenever they smile. This is referred to as a ‘gummy smile'. It is sometimes caused by a hypermobile lip or a short upper lip. It can also be caused by a certain type of ‘bite’ (tooth and jaw locations)
Excessive gum visibility during smiling can sometimes divert attention away from a beautiful set of teeth. “Too much gum showing” during a smile might also draw attention to uneven teeth.

At Dermal Distinction, we will discuss your particular circumstances with you. Some patients need referral to an orthodontist to move the teeth. Others require gum lengthening laser trimming, to improve the appearance of the smile.
The use of non-surgical treatment options can be quick, and is a perfect temporary solution for patients that display too much gum.

Fee Guide

Click to visit our current package guide.


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Let's get you started on your treatment. We will start with a thorough consultation to see what type of skin treatments are right for you.