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Frequently Asked Questions

Cosmetic Anti-Ageing & Skin | Balwyn North

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Dermal Distinction

Frequently asked questions

  • What brands of anti-wrinkle do you use?
    Syringe icon
    What prescriptions do you use?

    Our practitioners will only select prescriptions that are currently available within Australia. We abide by the current legislation and cannot discuss brands or ingredients on our website, social media or over the phone.

    We know that this is frustrating, but we know that we will look after you and your needs in the best way possible. In line with Australian health laws, we are happy to discuss your treatment requirements and what treatment we believe will best suit you when we meet for a consultation.
    You can make an appointment to meet with us in person HERE.

  • What is the cost of cosmetic treatment?
    What is the cost of cosmetic treatment?

    It is hard to give you a cost for treatment without a consultation, but we do understand that you need a starting point. Our approximate guides are listed HERE. Again TGA has advised that we cannot list any fees related to anti-ageing medicine and the possible prescriptions used on our website.

    You will meet face-to-face with Dr Giulia D'Anna who is a dentist and the prescriber. We do not need Skype consultations, so you will receive everything you need for your appointment in real-time.
    Once you have a consultation with us, we will give you an appointment fee for your treatment. We are happy to work with you

  • Do you do Skype consultations?

    Do you do Skype Consultations?

    Our cosmetic consultation and treatments are performed by Dr Giulia, who is a dental practitioner and will undertake the consultation and treatment for you. There is no need to engage in a Skype consultation. This means that the person you consult with, will take you through the consultation, treatment and aftercare.

    On occasion, we will refer you to a specialist where we believe that you require different treatment. This will be discussed with you prior to your referral.