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Skin Firming Rejuvenation


Cosmetic Anti-Ageing & Skin | Balwyn North

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Firming rejuvenation

Dermal Distinction


Skin firming treatment | At a glance

2-3 treatments
30 mins
Cosmetic practitioner
Same or Next day

Skin firmness | Overview

What are skin firming treatments?

Skin firming treatments can vary. We have a number of options, which include:
a. laser
b. skin needling
c. venus viva
d. cosmetic medical
e. combination approach

As we age, particularly after 30, the amount of collagen, fat and elastin in the skin decreases markedly. The result is a loss of volume, the appearance of fine lines and a general dulling of the skin. Skin firming treatments are good rejuvenating the face by improving elasticity and skin health to combat skin ageing.​

Primarily, these treatment is used to treat the face, but it can also be used to rejuvenate the neck.

How do skin firming treatments work?

Skin constantly turns over, and as we get older there is less elastin, collagen and the skin matrix loses hydration. This is because the main cell in the dermis, called the fibroblast stops working efficiently.

Most skin firming treatments, whether they be non-invasive, through to non-surgical treatments, aim to increase the activity of the fibroblast. For the fibroblast to become more active it needs to feel some level of trauma. This might be through skin needling, or light or heat from a laser, through to cosmetic medical procedures.

Determining what treatment is best, is part of your cosmetic consultation journey,

Who should have skin firming treatment?

Almost anyone that has started to notice a loss of firmness, and would like to undertake maintenance skin treatments. Of course you must be medically fit and healthy to undertake any treatment, including treatments that are dermal therapist led, and especially those that are non-surgical treatments.

What questions should I ask before treatment?

You should ask your cosmetic practitioner about:
a. the procedure
b. the risks and benefits of treatment
c. other options available
d. their experience with the treatment
e. the costs
f. your own medical history
g. the expected outcomes

These questions will help you start to gain a good understanding of your rejuvenation plan.

Cosmetic Consultation

Pricing and Gallery

To commence the consultation process, view our pricing and before and after gallery, please call us on (03) 98597859, or email us so that we may send you a welcome information pack.

In accordance with guidelines set out by TGA, we can not display our pricing about cosmetic medical treatment, or any before and after photos. When you attend for your consultation, we will provide a good guide of the results you may achieve, along with details of treatment, costs and timelines.


Book a consult

Let's get you started on your treatment. We will start with a thorough consultation to see what type of skin treatments are right for you.
